4 fresh approaches to eating that will save you money

Think of all the things you could do if your debt wasn’t weighing you down. You could save up for a new car or go on the vacation of your dreams. 

Because eating is essential for survival, food makes up a significant portion of everyone’s household budget. Naturally, one of the most practical ways to drastically reduce your cost of living, is by being mindful of the money you are spending at the grocery store. That could include buying different products or adopting a different diet altogether. 

Here are four approaches to eating that will help you drastically reduce your food costs.

  1. Rethink your meat consumption

When purchasing beef, poultry or other animal cuts you have likely observed that the cost can be high. In addition to saving money, there are many reasons people decide to cut back on their meat intake or adopt a vegan way of life. 

After a health scare, former U.S. President Bill Clinton went vegan to help eliminate the risk of further heart complications. Singer Ariana Grande stopped eating meat because of her strong conviction to protect animals.

New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady and his wife — Brazilian Model Gisele Bundchen — also adhere to a strict vegan diet, and their efforts seem to have paid off. Bundchen’s figure remains modelesque, while Brady has won 9 AFC Championship games with the Pats. By feeling his best, the odds are favorable that he will see more future wins. 

A person does not have to convert to full-blown veganism to reduce their meat spending. Opting to incorporate a few meatless meals during the week can make a noticeable difference. Some households have adopted a “meatless Monday” tradition to help them stay in the routine. 

  1. Make friends with your freezer

While reducing or eliminating meat consumption can do wonders for your bank account, it is not a viable option for some. One way to save money on groceries without breaking up with meat is to buy it in bulk when it is on sale. 

When you come across meat options at the supermarket that are approaching their expiration dates, the cost will often be reduced. That is when it is time to stock up. Just be sure to get it in the freezer soon after you get it home.

Additionally, buying large bags of frozen fruits and vegetables is a great way to save money. Not only is it just as nutritious, but it is also conveniently accessible for when you want to add it to oatmeal, a smoothie or other recipe.

  1. Cook in batches

Not only is your freezer great for keeping meat and produce fresh, but it can also preserve whole meals. Preparing batch freezer meals is a great way to save time as well as money. A pre-made casserole will come in useful on busy evenings when there is no time to cook. Having a ready-made frozen meal on-hand to heat up and serve will save you the cost of eating out or ordering in when you are in a time crunch.


  1. Cut back on carbs

Low-carb diets have gained popularity because of their ability to help you shed pounds and inches. An added benefit to adopting a low-carb lifestyle is the potential it has to save you money.

While meat is likely to serve as a staple in your diet if you are reducing carb intake, you will save money by ditching starchy and processed foods. Crackers, bread, potatoes, rice, cereal, sodas and sweets will no longer be part of your grocery budget. You can replace those things with cheaper items like fresh veggies and eggs. Tuna is another low-carb option that is inexpensive and can be stored in the pantry for a long time. 

Research shows that lowering carb intake also reduces your appetite over time because the fewer carbs you eat, the fewer you will crave. Eating less means spending less. Keep in mind that you do not have to adhere to a strict diet in order to be carb-conscious.

  1. Grow your own produce

Planting and harvesting your own garden comes with many benefits. Not only can you ensure the food does not come into contact with any harmful pesticides, but you will also feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that you are consuming the fruits of your own labor. Gardening is also a proven stress reliever.

There is a common misconception that gardening is limited to a certain time of year. While it evokes a mental image of collecting a fresh bounty on a hot, summer day, gardens can actually be grown year-round with a little research. Certain fruits and vegetables are in season during different months depending on where you live. 

If growing a garden is not in the cards for you, try to only buy produce that is in season (as out-of-season items can be quite costly). 

  1. Take time to meal prep every week

Thoughtfully planning and prepping your meals for the week is another way to save money. Because your portions are pre-measured, you will not be tempted to eat extra food that could be saved for when you feel hungry later. 

The key to meal prepping is consistency. Plan out a routine and stick to it. If Sundays are the only day you have to cook for the entire week, be sure to get your groceries on Saturday so you do not have to shop and cook all in one day. 

Many grocery stores allow you to order your groceries in advance for a scheduled curbside pick-up. Not only is this a convenient service, but it also ensures that you will not impulse-buy extra food as you walk through the supermarket. 

One of the best parts about modifying your food and eating habits to become more budget-friendly is that quality and taste does not have to be sacrificed. The Internet is a plentiful resource for gathering recipes and tips. As you implement these strategies, don’t forget to track your grocery spending from month to month so you can accurately track your progress.