The Positive Emotions of Money

positive emotions of money

positive emotions of moneyI find, especially in the personal finance niche, to be surrounded by negative connotations about money. I know I’m bad for usually focusing on monetary negatives. When you’re as in debt as I am, it’s hard to see the calm while your within the storm so-to-speak.

The world is full of stories about people who are, or who have been in monetary turmoil. For the most part you can’t help but feel empathy for these people. Maybe you relate to the person from your own past experience. Maybe you relate to a bad investment choice and understand the stresses they’re feeling because of said decision. Whatever it is, no one can argue that money is one of the world’s most emotionally charged topics. Today I want to try to focus on the positive emotions money can bring.

Providing Stability

The biggest positive money has given me, and most people, is the ability to provide stability for my family. Without money, God only know where I’d be. I am beyond happy that I am able to work and provide an income so my family can survive. Going to work and earning a wage genuinely makes me happy and proud. It means I’ll be able to sustain a roof over our heads, eat decent meals, pay down debt and even have a little fun.

Enjoy Money

I think where people start to resent money is when they don’t allow themselves to enjoy it. Money is meant to be spent. Money is meant to be enjoyed. Money is no good to you when you’re dead. I’m not suggesting you go and blow your hard-earned paycheck on some slots in Vegas, but I am suggesting you find room in your budget to enjoy your money. Enjoying your money will make you a happier person. This could include anything for a cheap bottle of wine to saving for a family vacation.positive emotions of money

The satisfaction of saving for something and then purchasing it with cash in hand is a feeling of near euphoria. I have been saving money for a new cell phone. I have an older phone that is a dying breed. If I am going to stay on top of my life, blogging and freelance work, I need a reliable phone that can allow me to get work done on the go. I have been stashing my pennies (or nickles here in Canada since we got rid of the penny!) and have saved enough money to go out and buy a new phone. I have so much contentment, and relief, knowing I will be making this purchase without incurring more debt. This is a feeling of happiness that can’t really be described. This summer we’re taking a family vacation that we have already saved for. This is also a great feeling.

Positive Net Worth

Investing is one of, if not the most emotionally laden aspect of money. When I say investing I’m not just talking about purchasing stocks and bonds. Investing can include anything that increases your net worth which means that paying down your debt is also an investment. Every dollar you put towards your debt is a dollar in the black for your net worth.

Sheer satisfaction is the only thing that comes to mind when I think about positive money emotions of investing. Everything from making a big payment on your debt, to selling a stock at just the right time, these are things will have you glowing for days.

Final Thoughts

Money gets a bad reputation too often. There are great positive emotional aspects associated with money that go all to unnoticed sometimes. The next time you’re feeling bad about something to do with money, stop and think about the silver lining and all that you’ve been fortunate to have received through money.

Looking for ways to make some extra money to pay down debt, get a new phone, or go on vacation? Check out these other great articles

Ways To Make More Money: Part Two
How to Make More Money: Side Hustle
How to Become Wealthy


What’s the biggest positive money has brought to your life recently?

[Featured image credit Michael Spitz /]
[Happy Lady image credit Nidhi Chanani /]